Painting with the Palette Knife

Creating Dramatic Painting With the Palette Knife, Basics and Practice

In this workshop, we will concentrate on painting an entire painting with the palette knife and the palette knife only. I have found that this is the best way to learn to use the palette knife as one must learn to do everything with the knife. Once having done so, it is much easier to use the knife along with the brush.

We will examine the creative use of the palette knife in our painting, including why use the palette knife, what it can do for our art, comparison of different types of palette knives and their uses, and basic / advanced techniques. Most of our time will be spent in developing several paintings with the palette knife only. This workshop is for oil and acrylic painters.

“Leave the palette knife mark alone once you’ve made the stroke, and don’t fiddle or push it around on the painting surface.” -unknown

This is an important concept for use of the knife so as to give all a knife has to offer for your paintings. We will follow this throughout the workshop – may also be applied to your brushwork art to maintain the beauty of the brushstrokes.


Larry Hall


Mar 22 2024


10:00 am - 1:00 pm




Norcross Gallery & Studios


Larry Hall

Other Organizers

Anne Hall
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